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The Cascade is a blog about the past, present, and future of CSS.

Howdy—Robin Rendle here.

This blog keeps me in the loop with everything that’s possible with CSS lately but it’s also a reminder to celebrate the people doing the hard work building stuff for the web.

You can subscribe to The Cascade via RSS, shoot me an email if you absolutely must, or follow the feed. This project is directly supported by readers and the membership program.

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How to display language-specific quotes in CSS

Stefan Judis:

Quotation characters are language-specific. French, for example, uses « and ». Going all in with double quotes isn't correct and will anger quite some typography nerds (and French people).

I love this attention to detail and totally didn’t know you could do the following and browsers will pick the right kind of quote depending on the user’s language:

blockquote::before {
	content: open-quote;

blockquote::after {
	content: close-quote;